Wednesday, October 19, 2011

watch Anonymous

Late last night, anonymous - or at least people claiming to be from Anonymous - sent out a press release on Pastebin, said Saturday was marked by peaceful protests in several cities of the United States, combined with cyber-attacks "the various targets, including the Wall Street banks and corrupt New York City Police Department."

Anonymous said, not the cities where events will take place, even though New York seems to be an obvious assumption.

Decision anonymous "to release his" release "and called for a day of vengeance is a response to the latest New York City" Capture of Wall Street "demonstration. Last week, some 1,000 people from different groups to Lower Manhattan protest against the close world of business in American politics. The protesters were invited to "Capture the organizers of Wall Street" to "flooding in lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and Wall Street take a few months. "

watch Anonymous

In the news last night, criticized the way the anonymous protesters were handled, saying that "against the phalanx of heavily armed paramilitary police local and federal courts." While some protesters were arrested last week, Anonymous "real problem of the events came Tuesday when the organization said in a statement, police used" excessive force against peaceful demonstrators and arresting innocent people, many of whom are abused and wounded. "

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